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Contributed by Bill Lohmeier, 8/27/2001
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Additional information about the Lohmeier query &
Chisago County....
(Contributed by Bill Lohmeier, 8/27/2001)
The French settlement was North of Rush City, then East of hwy
61 on a dirt
road at that time bearing no # or name. Karen Anderson is buried
in the
Lutheran cemetery East of Rush city on what was then called
Government Road.
The old Markham place was east of the French settlement on the
west bank of
the creek, which I presume to be Rock Creek. Henry Lohmeier
& later his son
Harold farmed across the road (south) with the creek meandering
thru the
farm. Henry then lived East of the creek just west of the St.
Croix River.
He acted as "caretaker" of the cabins along the river
which belonged to
people from the Twin Cities and may have been on "power Co."
land. North of
the cabins a ways was the Norris place along a road that
paralleled the
river and was in between the cabins and H.L. residence. To the
south and on
the west side of the road was the Beaver farm and south of that
Bendickson [sp] farm by the railroad bridge. The road west from
there may
have been the gov. road. South of this area there was a ferry
that crossed
the river. Across the RR bridge & North was the Iverson place
Where Ovila &
Mary Paquette moved, leaving the Markham place vacant. The
retired to Grantsburg, WI. where Ovila died in 1942 and Mary
moved to live
with her daughter Louise Green in So. St. Paul, until her death
in 1961.
Ovila and Mary Paquette are buried in the cemetery west of Rush
I guess what I was hoping to find out was where the Carters, Caza's etc. came
from before settling in the French Settlement and how did Ovila
Paquette get
from Ste. Agathe, Quebec to Rush City. I have checked Burnet
County Wi. and
even though Ovila lived in Grantsburg prior to his death and He
still has a
Grandson there, there are no Paquette records there either.
Perhaps I
overlooked it in browsing, but I did not see Schultz or Kirchberg
Thank You for your response! Bill Lohmeier
Some other families east of the French Settlement: Rumple [sp].
Pino. Thank you! Bill Lohmeier